21.   Bonnet blamed leftist guerrillas against whom the military mounted an offensive last month in plains southeast of the capital, Bogota.

22.   But he doubted Iraq is able to mount an offensive against any of its neighbors.

23.   Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev said Russian forces may mount new offensives toward Grozny, the capital, and other towns.

24.   Ecuador has accused Peru of mounting an offensive against Tiwinza to take the post before international observers arrive.

25.   Fears that anti-independence militias still based in refugee camps in Indonesian West Timor could mount an offensive to disrupt the campaign have proved baseless.

26.   Fighting by rebels generally has been in hit-and-run attacks, although the army at times has mounted sustained offensives.

27.   Fighting in Aceh has escalated sharply since the Indonesian army mounted an offensive aimed at crushing the rebellion.

28.   Government forces have mounted several offensives into the forest, but have never been able to control it.

29.   However, violence escalated sharply in the final months of his administration, when the army mounted an offensive against the insurgents.

30.   In recent weeks, Serbs have attacked U.N.-declared safe areas in Bosnia, and Croats in neighboring Croatia have mounted an offensive against Serbs challenging their government.

v. + offensive >>共 189
launch 30.95%
take 5.42%
press 4.70%
halt 4.03%
continue 3.90%
mount 3.70%
begin 2.78%
stop 2.51%
end 1.79%
aim 1.72%
mount + n. >>共 518
attack 8.36%
campaign 7.51%
challenge 3.84%
operation 3.50%
offensive 2.39%
defense 2.30%
comeback 2.05%
protest 2.00%
raid 1.83%
search 1.79%
每页显示:    共 56