21.   On this day, Betty Crocker needed a motorcycle helmet, not a makeover.

22.   One candidate arrived with a portable shopping cart filled with groceries and wore his motorcycle helmet throughout the interview.

23.   The extinguisher nozzle is secured on a motorcycle helmet.

24.   The nurse said that injuries caused by people who do not wear seat belts or motorcycle helmets become a burden on society.

25.   The Senate voted Tuesday to repeal the national speed-limit laws for automobiles but to continue requirements for seat belts and motorcycle safety helmets.

26.   They developed a device that uses low-powered laser light shot through holes in a motorcycle helmet to look into the brain.

27.   A ski helmet that would pass the Snell tests could look and feel more like a motorcycle helmet, Becker said.

28.   In Ahmedabad, engineers wearing motorcycle helmets for protection broke up slabs of concrete with sledgehammers and crowbars.

29.   Joseph Lieberman, a senator normally known for quiet demeanor, donned a motorcycle helmet Wednesday and took a quick spin on the back of a Harley-Davidson.

30.   On Wednesday night, hundreds of Chinese, some wearing motorcycle helmets, emerged from their stores.

n. + helmet >>共 81
motorcycle 11.14%
riot 10.29%
bicycle 10.00%
football 8.86%
safety 7.71%
leather 6.00%
steel 5.14%
army 2.86%
bike 2.86%
ski 2.57%
motorcycle + n. >>共 234
accident 11.24%
gang 8.79%
driver 3.90%
rider 3.90%
helmet 3.54%
race 2.09%
shop 1.99%
racing 1.81%
courier 1.72%
racer 1.63%
每页显示:    共 39