21.   If taxes are not a major consideration, a taxable money fund may be the best option.

22.   In bad times, though, money funds prove less volatile and safer than stocks.

23.   In self-defense, investors should check the fees charged by the money funds in their brokerage sweep accounts.

24.   Investors are diversifying portfolios by putting more money in money funds and international stock funds, companies said.

25.   Investors can retrieve special reports, including a primer on money funds.

26.   Investors should be on the lookout when buying money funds that are managed by companies who sell their funds through brokers, Crane said.

27.   Is a money fund too conservative?

28.   Investors are not flocking to the E-Fund, a novel type of money fund, despite its enticing yields.

29.   Investors can park their money in a money fund and let it earn an attractive interest rate while they ponder their next investment moves.

30.   It was the biggest one-week increase in money fund assets in more than three years, the ICI reported.

n. + fund >>共 794
pension 15.74%
investment 7.98%
bond 6.16%
government 4.50%
index 4.20%
campaign 3.11%
equity 2.67%
closed-end 2.45%
retirement 1.88%
scholarship 1.55%
money 0.86%
money + n. >>共 797
manager 24.62%
list 3.58%
management 2.65%
firm 2.35%
problem 2.10%
transfer 1.85%
changer 1.56%
title 1.51%
donation 1.47%
flow 1.44%
fund 1.31%
每页显示:    共 79