21.   The UK government opposes minimum standards for products and the labelling scheme is voluntary.

22.   This minimum standards approach leads to a number of problems when applied to a complex and rapidly changing area of technology.

23.   Many trade associations stipulate conditions upon which their members must trade, or at least recommend minimum standards.

24.   The scheme offers compensation to travellers for late and cancelled trains, and sets minimum standards for service.

25.   Chief technical officer Billy Dodds said the minimum standards were adequate and cover would be increased in line with the number of bathers.

26.   He claimed foreign crews were paid a pittance and the EC must take a stand by refusing to do business until minimum standards were met.

27.   Now these are the minimum standards we expect from our salesmen.

28.   Our staffing levels are at a proper minimum standard.

29.   Also, the thickness of the disk should be measured to insure that it meets minimum standards stamped or cast on the assembly.

30.   An accreditation means that certain minimum standards are being met, but it is not a requirement for offering an MBA program, Laidlaw said.

a. + standard >>共 554
new 7.29%
high 6.05%
international 5.78%
higher 3.74%
federal 2.67%
environmental 2.47%
national 2.33%
academic 1.97%
minimum 1.89%
same 1.74%
minimum + n. >>共 498
standard 7.01%
tax 5.80%
price 5.47%
sentence 4.85%
requirement 4.29%
level 3.57%
number 3.31%
amount 3.24%
salary 2.52%
age 2.36%
每页显示:    共 213