21.   Uzbekistan, one of the Central Asian republics that gained independence when the Soviet Union broke apart, has been getting U.S. military help for about five years.

22.   Washington has been careful with its allies, European officials say, and will ask no military help from countries that would find it politically difficult.

23.   Acting on his advice, the house called on the government Wednesday to consider offering military help to Yugoslavia.

24.   Albania reached out to Europe for military help.

25.   American military help arrived, but too late.

26.   An influential group of Roman Catholic bishops on Monday welcomed U.S. military help to eradicate the Abu Sayyaf but opposed any combat role for U.S. troops.

27.   And rebel Serbs poised to fight Croatian troops raised the specter of a wider conflict, saying Yugoslavia had promised them military help.

28.   Aristide, however, never has appeared comfortable about having to rely on U.S. military help to get back in power.

29.   Beyond that, Heye said the government still is awaiting a request for direct military help.

30.   Before departing for Zaire Friday, Mobutu denied reports he was seeking military help from Morocco to help put down advancing rebels.

a. + help >>共 771
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