21.   Ms. Bhutto and other top officials accused India as one of the groups involved in the terrorism, though they did not mention the country by name.

22.   Neither country was mentioned by name in the resolution, but they are the only ones to have exploded nuclear devices this year.

23.   Qian did not mention any countries by name or address human-rights complaints directed at China.

24.   Qian did not mention any countries by name or address human rights complaints directed at China.

25.   The newspaper said Velayati implied Britain was holding up the agreement, without mentioning the country by name but the newspaper did not cite evidence for this conclusion.

26.   The newspaper said Velayati implied Britain was holding up the agreement, without mentioning the country by name, but the newspaper did not cite evidence for this conclusion.

27.   The remarks were seen as a clear reference to Iraq, though he did not mention the country by name at that point in his hour-long speech.

28.   The report also said shipping documents will refrain from mentioning countries by name, to avoid disputes over sovereignty.

29.   Without mentioning any country, Sudjana, who also is the Indonesian mines and energy minister, accused several OPEC members of producing more than their quotas.

30.   While not mentioning the countries by name, he said that at the summit, three member nations had ignored the crisis in Central Africa.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
mention 0.21%
mention + n. >>共 1533
name 9.38%
possibility 2.93%
issue 1.67%
casualty 1.49%
plan 1.03%
problem 0.92%
country 0.82%
fact 0.80%
date 0.76%
idea 0.66%
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