21.   Americans have taken the Nobel medicine prize for the past three years running.

22.   Doherty is the fifth Australian to win a Nobel prize and the third to win the medicine prize.

23.   The Nobel season will continue next week with the announcements in Stockholm of the medicine prize Monday, the economics prize Tuesday and those for physics and chemistry Wednesday.

n. + prize >>共 178
peace 27.92%
cash 12.76%
literature 7.20%
economics 4.47%
chemistry 3.16%
physics 2.73%
medicine 2.51%
year 1.85%
science 1.64%
raffle 1.53%
medicine + n. >>共 160
cabinet 18.86%
bottle 6.82%
prize 5.23%
practitioner 2.95%
price 2.95%
shortage 2.05%
shop 2.05%
woman 2.05%
clinic 1.82%
specialist 1.82%
每页显示:    共 23