21.   They are part of a European Union effort to mediate a solution to the long-running conflict in the former Portuguese colony.

22.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has written to North Korean leaders saying he is concerned with rising tensions in the area and offering to mediate a solution.

23.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has offered to mediate a solution.

24.   U.S. delegation skeptical about efforts by Turkey and other neighboring countries to mediate solution with Iraq.

25.   Iran, which is mainly Shiite, has played a leading role in trying to mediate a solution to the bloody war.

26.   A new attempt by Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade to mediate a solution to the crisis appears to be floundering.

27.   Attempts by Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade to mediate a solution to the crisis have floundered.

28.   Desperately trying to mediate a solution, OSCE envoy Franz Vranitzky flew to an Italian warship in the Adriatic Sea to meet new Albanian Prime Minister Bashkim Fino.

29.   Yemen accused Eritrea on Monday of trying to torpedo French efforts to mediate a solution to a standoff between the two countries over strategic Red Sea islands.

30.   Pakistani senate speaker Wasim Sajjad invited Poland on Wednesday to mediate a solution to the dispute over Indian-administered Kashmir.

v. + solution >>共 376
find 27.44%
seek 7.96%
offer 5.66%
have 5.63%
reach 3.30%
provide 3.14%
negotiate 2.72%
propose 1.84%
impose 1.52%
discuss 1.33%
mediate 1.04%
mediate + n. >>共 128
dispute 15.27%
talk 15.27%
end 10.33%
conflict 7.91%
settlement 3.85%
solution 3.52%
crisis 3.52%
cease-fire 3.08%
agreement 2.86%
negotiation 2.31%
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