21.   There are no public records and the maximum punishment is a demotion in rank and a cut in pay.

22.   Whenever such cases come to light, maximum compassion should be shown to the victims and maximum punishment doled out to the exploiters.

23.   Pimping, however, is a crime carrying a maximum punishment of five to seven years in prison.

24.   Among charges that could have been considered were treason, which carries a maximum punishment of death or at least five years in prison.

25.   All four defendants had faced up to life imprisonment, the maximum punishment at the tribunal, which has no death penalty.

26.   Another large Philippine church group, the Iglesia ni Cristo, also urged Congress to repeal the law and make life imprisonment the maximum punishment.

27.   Ang did not ask for a deterrent sentence, which usually is the maximum punishment.

28.   Another large Philippine church group, the Iglesia ni Cristo, joined in Monday, urging Congress to repeal the law and make life imprisonment the maximum punishment.

29.   At present, IOC guidelines recommend a two-year ban as a maximum punishment.

30.   Both carry maximum punishments of life imprisonment.

a. + punishment >>共 405
corporal 7.58%
severe 6.58%
harsh 4.59%
collective 4.50%
maximum 4.42%
possible 2.86%
appropriate 2.08%
tougher 2.03%
physical 1.99%
harsher 1.99%
maximum + n. >>共 587
sentence 15.35%
penalty 13.76%
security 5.53%
life 2.62%
amount 2.48%
punishment 2.36%
number 2.22%
point 2.20%
alert 1.83%
prison 1.67%
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