21.   Merely by suggesting that we might be heading into a recession, markets crash, fortunes evaporate, wise men scramble to stuff the mattress with money.

22.   Policy makers were well aware that if the October market crash were followed by an unanticipated recession then federal borrowing would sharply grow.

23.   So will the market crash tomorrow?

24.   Speculation late last month that Hong Kong could be forced to devalue its currency raised concerns that other emerging market currencies are overvalued, sparking a worldwide market crash.

25.   Still, barring any major market crash, the slump will be temporary, Thygeson said.

26.   Stock investors worry about October, a month with a reputation for market crashes.

27.   Ten years ago, the market crash caused little real harm.

28.   That -- along with rising interest rates -- led to a market crash.

29.   The accounting change, along with growing shareholder distaste for repricings, coincided with the market crash, which sunk many options.

30.   The Dow would reach one more high that year, on the following Tuesday, and then plunged in the October market crash.

n. + crash >>共 282
plane 27.92%
car 23.53%
helicopter 6.54%
air 4.28%
airplane 2.61%
market 2.00%
train 1.78%
computer 1.49%
bus 1.16%
jet 1.16%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
crash 0.28%
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