21.   Jasmin has acute lymphocytic leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant to fight the disease.

22.   Others linked EMF to chronic lymphocytic leukemia in adults exposed to the fields through their work, such as electric utility workers, machinists and welders.

23.   Presley Scott Harwell, son of Steve Harwell and Michelle Laroque, died Saturday of complications from acute lymphocytic leukemia, tour manager Scotty Haulter said.

24.   The treatment is showing promise in otherwise untreatable cases of hairy cell leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

a. + leukemia >>共 38
acute 24.35%
chronic 16.96%
myelogenous 12.17%
lymphocytic 10.43%
myeloid 6.09%
lymphoblastic 4.35%
feline 3.04%
human 2.61%
adult 1.74%
developing 1.74%
lymphocytic + n. >>共 7
leukemia 66.67%
gastritis 8.33%
leukaemia 8.33%
colitis 5.56%
infiltration 5.56%
infiltrate 2.78%
inflation 2.78%
每页显示:    共 24