21.   But the commission said this measure already applied to meat for exports and was designed to tighten up on uncontrolled slaughtering by local butchers.

a. + butcher >>共 84
local 13.55%
kosher 10.32%
family 4.52%
french 3.87%
muslim 3.87%
former 1.94%
halal 1.94%
retired 1.94%
scottish 1.94%
small 1.94%
local + n. >>共 935
official 4.23%
government 4.23%
authority 4.11%
police 2.59%
resident 2.54%
newspaper 1.92%
hospital 1.77%
election 1.63%
medium 1.52%
people 1.38%
butcher 0.03%
每页显示:    共 21