21.   Tobacco companies are lobbying to have cigarettes regulated like food, meaning they would have to disclose ingredients and list ingredients on packages.

22.   Together, these groups lobbied to have the immigration bill split into two parts -- one to address legal immigration and a second to address illegal immigration.

23.   U.S. hedge fund investors are also lobbying to have their voices heard.

24.   A U.S. serial bomber may have struck again, this time killing a timber industry executive who lobbied to have the spotted owl removed from the endangered species list.

25.   Arab activists and nations have lobbied to have Israel declared a racist state because of the way it treats Palestinians.

26.   Arab activists and nations have lobbied to have Israel declared a racist state during the conference because of the way it treats Palestinians.

27.   Link had been lobbying to have a steam locomotive put on display at the station amid talk of creating a museum for his photos.

28.   Since then, Britain says it has tightened food-safety rules on beef and has lobbied to have the ban eased.

29.   Some veterans from northern New Jersey had lobbied to have the memorial built somewhere closer to them.

30.   Some veterans from northern New Jersey lobbied to have the memorial built somewhere closer to them.

v. + have >>共 706
be 6.94%
have 5.18%
say 4.47%
work 1.96%
fight 1.96%
do 1.96%
figure 1.92%
lobby 1.71%
use 1.59%
sue 1.59%
lobby + v. >>共 106
have 14.86%
keep 9.06%
get 5.07%
change 4.35%
make 2.90%
block 2.54%
include 2.17%
save 2.17%
join 2.17%
bring 2.17%
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