21.   One of the dead victims still held a live grenade, and police were keeping their distance from the bodies, according to the report.

22.   Two days after the firefight that killed two government soldiers, spent bullet cartridges and a live grenade litter the ground.

23.   Tim Keesee spent his spring vacation avoiding live grenades amid the rubble of the Bosnian city of Mostar.

24.   Two grenades exploded, while police later recovered two unexploded live grenades.

a. + grenade >>共 177
rocket-propelled 49.20%
anti-tank 6.01%
homemade 4.57%
smoke 3.13%
unexploded 2.46%
live 2.03%
second 1.27%
sound 1.10%
rifle-propelled 0.93%
the 0.93%
live + n. >>共 979
ammunition 5.83%
television 5.41%
coverage 3.91%
music 3.80%
performance 3.49%
broadcast 3.25%
animal 2.35%
show 2.06%
round 2.03%
bullet 1.61%
grenade 0.38%
每页显示:    共 24