21.   Hobbled by scandals involving purported campaign contributions from the Cali cocaine cartel, President Ernesto Samper has had limited effect on the peace efforts.

22.   In a brief statement, the companies said the new round of savings would have only limited effects on total employment, spread over worldwide operations.

23.   In the meantime, the opposition is trying to spread its message of doom to lawmakers in hopes of limiting the effects of whatever bill is passed.

24.   Neither the profit report nor the budget cuts surprised the market, limiting the effect on share prices.

25.   Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kans., the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, supports legislation limiting the effect of same-sex marriages.

26.   Still, the reports confirmed earlier forecasts from the U.S. government, which limited their effect on trading.

27.   The effect is not limited to initial offerings.

28.   The effects would be limited to one small area, and most of the Earth would feel no effect at all.

29.   The Election PEP uses an averaging method to limit the effect of index fluctuations on the starting and ending values used in calculating the return.

30.   The effects were not limited to a large shake-up in a single precinct and official vows to get tough on police corruption.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
limit 0.48%
limit + n. >>共 857
number 4.73%
access 3.00%
amount 2.24%
ability 2.15%
use 2.06%
damage 1.76%
loss 1.72%
power 1.47%
gain 1.29%
activity 1.11%
effect 0.43%
每页显示:    共 49