21.   The HUD letter makes no mention of racial segretation in projects for elderly and the disabled.

22.   The joint letter makes all the right points.

23.   The letter made national news late last week -- perfect timing for Boeing Family Night last night.

24.   The letter does not make it clear if he is still in Mexico.

25.   The letter makes no mention of judges or of specific court appointments.

26.   The letters make him sit up straight.

27.   The letter makes no mention of racial segretation in projects for elderly and the disabled.

28.   The letter clearly made aides to Rubin nervous, according to an internal Treasury Department memo.

29.   The letter made her realize the responsibility and power she had.

30.   The letter made no mention of Clinton appearing before the committee, a scenario that is considered highly unlikely.

n. + make >>共 1472
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law 0.72%
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letter 0.07%
letter + v. >>共 509
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