21.   The album is heavily produced, with plenty of beautiful sound from accessible pop tunes, but it seems to lack the passion of earlier Simple Minds.

v. + passion >>共 307
have 15.95%
share 6.85%
inflame 5.87%
stir 4.36%
indulge 3.84%
develop 2.56%
arouse 2.48%
pursue 2.03%
inspire 1.66%
lack 1.58%
lack + n. >>共 1365
money 2.74%
resource 2.32%
power 2.07%
experience 2.07%
confidence 2.03%
authority 2.01%
support 1.86%
evidence 1.57%
fund 1.46%
skill 1.22%
passion 0.32%
每页显示:    共 21