21.   The law could be reinstated without resolving its constitutionality if the justices, who are expected to rule this summer, decide the people who sued lack legal standing.

22.   The justice decided the guns should be given to the state and the two men reimbursed for what he called salvage.

23.   The justices also decided in a separate case to uphold a Colorado law that restricts protests near medical clinics.

24.   The justices decide where you draw the line.

25.   The justices will decide the case, Louisiana vs. Mississippi, under a special jurisdictional grant the Constitution gives the court to decide disputes between states.

26.   The justices have evidently decided to wait for more legal developments.

27.   The reason the justices have decided so few cases is almost surely that they have so many hard, sharply contested and terrifically important ones on their plate.

28.   What the justices decide could affect whether the NCAA can sanction a school after an ineligible player gets a court order to let him play.

29.   Whether the justices actually decide the merits of the challenge to the Line Item Veto Act remains to be seen.

30.   After hearing arguments today, the justices must decide whether police still must warn criminal suspects about their right against self-incrimination before questioning them.

n. + decide >>共 692
government 7.18%
official 4.56%
company 4.18%
court 3.83%
judge 2.39%
authority 2.24%
prosecutor 1.85%
leader 1.65%
committee 1.55%
jury 1.54%
justice 0.34%
justice + v. >>共 387
be 15.08%
say 7.89%
rule 3.71%
agree 3.20%
decide 2.23%
hear 2.13%
have 2.00%
appear 1.90%
refuse 1.62%
seem 1.62%
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