21.   And although it has not emerged as a top-tier issue like education or crime in public opinion surveys, it is steadily gaining.

22.   And because the race problem encompasses vexing issues like health, education and the criminal justice system, people find themselves called upon to talk without knowledge.

23.   And he has vowed to deny confirmation to Weld, a Republican known for his liberal views on social issues like abortion and the civil rights of homosexuals.

24.   And as Nemtsov was preoccupied with giving interviews and tackling social issues like housing reform, Kiriyenko was the de facto minister.

25.   And how could Clinton distinguish himself from Powell, since both seem to hold similar moderate views on social issues like abortion and affirmative action?

26.   And Barbour is trying to excite enthusiasm for Sen. Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, while Republicans squabble over issues like the minimum wage.

27.   And if trade agreements can help out industry by bringing in outside issues like protecting copyrights and patents, why not also use them to protect workers?

28.   And Donna Sytek, a House speaker known to unstintingly speak her mind, disagrees deeply with Mrs. Shaheen on issues like abortion and taxes.

29.   And European Union Commissioner Martin Bangemann has proposed an international charter to deal with issues like data encryption.

30.   And he has picked up good publicity lately on issues like cracking down on unscrupulous health insurers and arresting child pornographers.

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