21.   The issue attracted a lot of public attention in Barbados and was the subject of various calypso songs.

22.   The issue attracted wide publicity in Egypt and the matter was raised in Parliament on Sunday.

23.   The issue has attracted attention on both sides of Long Island Sound near the Waterford nuclear complex.

24.   With efforts under way to form a new multiethnic government in Afghanistan, the opium issue is attracting the attention of leading U.S. administration officials.

25.   Brokerage issues also attracted buyers and major steels gained ground.

26.   Construction issues attracted individual investors.

27.   Leading costruction issues in particular attracted buyers toward the close.

28.   One broker said construction issues attracted moderate buying interest as expectations rose that they would benefit from orders to rebuild the western Japan region following the quake.

29.   Pharmaceuticals issues attracted early attention following press comment that the sector may be undergoing a re-rating on the back of fundamentals, dealers said.

n. + attract >>共 1237
case 3.34%
company 2.01%
event 2.01%
show 1.27%
issue 0.90%
fund 0.84%
rate 0.84%
program 0.84%
yield 0.77%
opposite 0.77%
issue + v. >>共 490
be 48.45%
remain 3.30%
come 2.67%
have 2.30%
become 1.95%
include 1.66%
go 1.42%
arise 1.22%
fall 1.02%
rise 0.82%
attract 0.20%
每页显示:    共 29