21.   Police Internal Affairs investigators are also checking into reports that some officers failed to help the victims of the attacks.

22.   -- The Daily Oklahoman reported that investigators were checking a crumpled business card McVeigh may have hidden in the police car.

23.   Aleo said investigators were checking reports that Abdullah is wanted for separate cases of kidnapping and murder in Jolo.

24.   As they learn the names of those involved in the attacks, investigators can check them against a huge matrix of suspected terrorists maintained by intelligence agencies.

25.   He said investigators are checking recent arrivals from Albanian closely.

26.   He said investigators are checking bank accounts and assets of players and bookmakers suspected of involvement in the biggest match-fixing scandal to hit Malaysian sport.

27.   Health Department spokesman Robert Kenny said investigators were checking records and interviewing staffers to see if there were any violations.

28.   Helga Brenner-Khan, spokeswoman for the German National Tourist Office, said investigators were checking whether the door might have been broken in a cleaning accident.

29.   In the western Lviv region, investigators were checking all suspicious people, widely using informants.

30.   In the Lviv region, investigators were checking on all suspicious people, widely using informants.

n. + check >>共 582
police 9.13%
official 4.90%
investigator 3.03%
authority 2.80%
doctor 2.80%
officer 2.58%
inspector 1.91%
soldier 1.60%
worker 1.60%
people 1.60%
investigator + v. >>共 473
say 22.56%
find 5.91%
believe 5.01%
be 4.75%
try 3.04%
look 2.56%
have 2.50%
determine 1.72%
suspect 1.69%
question 1.29%
check 0.48%
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