21.   American intelligence officers and Special Forces found three containers with contents worrisome enough to be shipped back for detailed analysis by nuclear scientists.

22.   An agent posing as a Chinese intelligence officer approached Lee, but the scientist rebuffed the overture to spy for Beijing.

23.   An agent who was posing as a Chinese intelligence officer approached Lee.

24.   An American intelligence officer now attends meetings between Palestinian and Israeli security officers to promote cooperation and keep a record of it.

25.   An agent posing as a Chinese intelligence officer tried to lure him to a meeting.

26.   An FBI agent posing as a Chinese intelligence officer approached Lee, but the scientist rebuffed the invitation to spy for Beijing.

27.   An Iraqi intelligence officer met with a leader of the hijackers in Europe earlier this year.

28.   An intelligence officer wants to string him along, to find out what he knows and where that knowledge might lead.

29.   And his claim of getting it from an unnamed French intelligence officer who knew someone, etc., fit the classic urban legend pattern of third-hand sourcing.

30.   Another Russian intelligence officer is reported to have defected from his post in Ottawa in December.

n. + officer >>共 349
army 11.71%
security 9.80%
intelligence 5.77%
enforcement 5.74%
law 5.48%
custom 3.27%
liaison 2.04%
duty 2.00%
immigration 1.92%
correction 1.88%
intelligence + n. >>共 394
official 12.35%
agency 11.30%
service 11.20%
officer 8.72%
report 6.70%
agent 6.34%
information 3.40%
chief 3.28%
source 3.24%
community 1.94%
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