21.   He urged parents to instill discipline in their children.

22.   In an attempt to instill discipline in the armed forces, Mobutu last month named a new army chief known for his previous successes against rebel uprisings.

23.   Minibus drivers and conductors resumed work Monday after the government refused to withdraw new regulations to streamline and instill discipline in the industry.

24.   The International Monetary Fund has withheld loans and urged Bulgaria to instill financial discipline.

25.   The International Monetary Fund has stalled vital lending and urged Bulgaria to introduce a currency board to instill financial discipline.

26.   The political deadlock has stalled the talks with the fund, which insists that Bulgaria enact speedy privatization and create a currency board to instill financial discipline.

27.   The prime minister said the government would instill fiscal discipline by cutting the budget, but did not say by how much.

28.   Von Steuben instilled discipline in the demoralized American army encamped in Valley Forge, and is credited with an important contribution to defeating the British.

29.   Zhu told customs officials to beef up their ranks, instill discipline and ferret out corruption.

30.   Singapore schools, reputed to be among the best in the region, are known for instilling tough discipline among children.

v. + discipline >>共 240
impose 7.29%
maintain 6.56%
enforce 5.63%
have 5.21%
face 3.96%
lack 3.65%
instill 3.13%
show 2.60%
restore 2.60%
require 2.29%
instill + n. >>共 132
confidence 18.89%
sense 9.93%
fear 8.47%
discipline 7.26%
value 5.81%
love 3.15%
pride 1.94%
spirit 1.69%
respect 1.45%
hope 1.21%
每页显示:    共 30