21.   On Thursday, his initial assessment told him the trading day would not be good.

22.   Skin grafts can reduce scar tissue, but their success depends in part on an accurate initial assessment of the depth of the burn.

23.   Since his initial assessment, Mendez-Bages has been snapping up property throughout South Florida.

24.   The encounter Tuesday was the first by a senior member of the Clinton administration with Bashar Assad and was deemed important for an initial assessment.

25.   The initial assessment report does not include funds for refugees or emergency food assistance.

26.   People who come to the center are sent to physicians or counselors after initial assessment, it says.

27.   Rayner said that the initial assessment was that the three purported Iranians were training Bosnians in the art of terrorism.

28.   A NATO spokesman, Lt. Col. Mark Rayner, said the initial assessment was that the men carrying Iranian documents were training Bosnians to carry out acts of terror.

29.   Al-Fiqi said an initial assessment of the damage caused by the fire would be available Wednesday.

30.   Co-author Tundi Agardy used to live in the Virgin Islands and with Markham visited St. John to make an initial assessment of the damage.

a. + assessment >>共 552
upbeat 4.91%
environmental 3.58%
new 2.12%
accurate 2.03%
initial 1.86%
preliminary 1.64%
similar 1.64%
independent 1.59%
economic 1.59%
overall 1.55%
initial + n. >>共 921
report 7.36%
reaction 2.37%
investigation 2.07%
offering 2.00%
result 1.90%
test 1.73%
stage 1.39%
investment 1.10%
response 1.03%
claim 0.99%
assessment 0.37%
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