21.   Infrared sensors.

22.   It also has its own fan, which is activated by an infrared sensor.

23.   Once the motor unit and other mechanical components are in place, you will have to install the wall control and infrared sensor.

24.   Perhaps you picture elaborate laser beams and infrared sensors that would put the CIA to shame.

25.   Searchers are using infrared sensors, to find objects that are a different temperature from the sea, including bodies and aircraft parts.

26.   Sinks, toilets and urinals in many public restrooms use infrared sensors to detect the presence of a person and activate the plumbing.

27.   Sivam would wire the Amazon with radar dishes and infrared sensors to combat drug trafficking and illegal logging.

28.   Snakes do have infrared sensors that they use to help them find warm-blooded prey, but this is not in any way a sense of vision.

29.   So the company developed an infrared sensor that detects a person or a pet by recognizing motion or body heat.

30.   The aircraft carry infrared sensors that allow them to see warm objects, such as tank engines, in the dark.

a. + sensor >>共 210
infrared 12.38%
electronic 8.25%
optical 3.54%
light 2.95%
chemical 2.55%
tiny 2.16%
special 1.96%
remote 1.77%
acoustic 1.57%
ultrasonic 1.38%
infrared + n. >>共 147
camera 10.00%
sensor 8.29%
light 7.11%
radiation 4.74%
port 4.08%
beam 3.95%
signal 3.42%
technology 3.03%
device 2.11%
image 1.97%
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