21.   The index measures four Latin American Brady par bonds partially backed by U.S. Treasury collateral, which can account for up to half their secondary market value.

22.   The index measures future corporate profits, consumer spending and personal income in Illinois.

23.   The index measures inflation and is used to adjust funding for many domestic programs.

24.   The index measures labor costs in industry, service and government sectors.

25.   The index measures performance in stores open at least one year.

26.   The index measures prices for oil, lumber, metals and agricultural products.

27.   The index measures the cost of goods and services paid by consumers.

28.   The index measures the difference between the number of firms reporting increases in activity and the number of firms reporting decreases.

29.   The index measures the local currency against the currencies of major trading partners.

30.   The index measures the New Zealand dollar against the currencies of major trading partners.

n. + measure >>共 450
index 7.63%
test 4.30%
scientist 2.72%
researcher 2.46%
study 2.19%
report 1.67%
survey 1.58%
government 1.49%
instrument 1.49%
sensor 1.40%
index + v. >>共 328
be 15.60%
rise 8.56%
fall 8.50%
close 5.96%
close_up 3.55%
measure 2.41%
show 1.83%
move 1.77%
end 1.47%
have 1.30%
每页显示:    共 87