21.   Many who use employee fitness centers, often refugees from commercial health clubs, brim with testimonials of trimmer bodies and increased energy.

22.   Now the crisis has eased, thanks to a weakened economy, increased energy supplies and some intervention by Uncle Sam.

23.   OPEC price shocks and lengthy gasoline lines were prompting Carter to seek increased energy supplies, at favorable prices, from Mexico.

24.   Pressure-treated wood framing and double wall glazing lend increased energy efficiency.

25.   Return the next day with increased energy and self-assurance.

26.   Simultaneous engagement in multiple activities, increased energy.

27.   She has been directed to identify, to the greatest extent possible, public lands on which restrictions should be eased to allow increased energy development.

28.   The company blamed the drop on lower prices for aluminum, which it refines, and increased energy costs.

29.   The increased energy was to be expected, since in the short term, at least, this is invariably the case with any coaching change.

30.   The products promise heightened sexual sensations, increased energy, and a happy buzz without the side effects often caused by illegal drugs like Ecstasy or methamphetamine.

a. + energy >>共 1215
renewable 4.30%
solar 3.28%
new 3.21%
higher 2.70%
high 2.70%
alternative 2.67%
national 2.04%
creative 1.25%
rising 1.12%
nervous 1.09%
increased 0.90%
increased + n. >>共 809
competition 4.95%
demand 4.43%
risk 3.76%
security 2.53%
pressure 1.93%
production 1.91%
cost 1.87%
sale 1.87%
use 1.65%
trade 1.38%
energy 0.39%
每页显示:    共 51