21.   Jazz musicians are finding a plethora of ways to incorporate elements of electronica into the music.

22.   Just be sure to recognize it, keep it organized, and try to incorporate earth elements.

23.   Layering can be used to make an ordinary dish look beautiful or to incorporate elements of surprise.

24.   Most teachers said they employed an eclectic approach that incorporated elements of both phonics and whole language.

25.   Ms. Armitage believes that incorporating these elements of popular culture can help revitalize concert dance.

26.   Others want the proposal to go further, incorporating such elements as nuclear security.

27.   Peter Gabriel and David Byrne also have incorporated elements of Third World styles into their work while simultaneously promoting their original sources.

28.   Re-creating a fortified monastery, the complex incorporates elements from five medieval French cloisters.

29.   Since its inception, Jethro Tull has incorporated elements of folk, jazz and blues into the rock.

30.   South Carolina is the only state of the former Confederacy that still flies the battle flag, although other states incorporate Confederate elements into their flag.

v. + element >>共 487
have 9.53%
add 5.08%
combine 4.45%
contain 4.21%
include 4.04%
incorporate 3.58%
use 2.19%
bring 1.96%
introduce 1.79%
involve 1.67%
incorporate + n. >>共 718
element 3.91%
technology 3.40%
feature 2.65%
company 1.64%
change 1.07%
material 1.01%
idea 0.95%
standard 0.82%
information 0.82%
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