21.   The preliminary finding has implications beyond the environment.

22.   The notion of creating a field where things can happen has implications far beyond the realm of the fine arts.

23.   The resignation had implications well beyond Germany.

24.   The Supreme Court ruling also could have implications beyond the oil industry.

25.   These border wars have implications far beyond Canada and Mexico.

26.   Understanding the odors that people find appealing or repelling has implications beyond enhancing the appeal of consumer products.

27.   Whether Carver can recover will have implications far beyond New York.

28.   But it could have wider implications beyond this issue.

29.   But the bill could have implications far beyond Indian rights.

30.   Croatian President Franjo Tudjman said the peace deal had implications beyond former Yugoslavia.

n. + beyond >>共 1497
way 2.96%
world 1.76%
life 1.59%
move 1.06%
issue 1.02%
force 1.02%
step 0.95%
implication 0.80%
comment 0.72%
reason 0.68%
implication + p. >>共 34
of 51.95%
for 38.44%
in 3.22%
on 1.51%
beyond 1.51%
to 0.60%
from 0.48%
about 0.28%
as 0.20%
before 0.20%
每页显示:    共 38