21.   There are also plans for a Euromark although this is unlikely to be enacted in the immediate future.

22.   The two men have different plans for the immediate future.

23.   The immediate futures of trialists Owen McGee, Stuart Ford and Chris Curran were among items on the agenda.

24.   THE apparent squabble between the South African government and the ANC over the precise nature of their agreement on the immediate political future is more show than anything else.

25.   After discussions with the bank and advice from the British Overseas Trade Board, it was decided that the USA offered most potential for the immediate future.

26.   Analysts and traders also said there were no economic reports due in the immediate future that could have an impact on bonds.

27.   And certainly, the immediate future looks ripe for adding a fourth crown.

28.   Analysts generally discounted a need for the company to marry in the immediate future.

29.   Analysts who follow leisure industries said the immediate future for the new entity is notably bright.

30.   And it is hard to forecast what the immediate future holds for the company.

a. + future >>共 691
foreseeable 9.04%
immediate 8.13%
uncertain 7.32%
political 6.80%
bright 4.81%
near 3.97%
better 3.03%
financial 2.75%
economic 2.12%
brighter 1.67%
immediate + n. >>共 595
comment 12.38%
report 6.60%
word 4.50%
reaction 4.07%
plan 3.17%
response 3.13%
confirmation 2.33%
future 1.97%
claim 1.63%
effect 1.62%
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