21.   Addressing the rally, the leaders demanded immediate arrest of the outsiders who have been staying at the university dormitories disrupting normal academic atmosphere on the campus.

22.   American, U.N., European Union and Russian diplomats met with Arafat at the time to urge immediate arrests.

23.   Begum Zia said the attack on the Manabjamin is an attack on democracy and freedom of the press and demanded immediate arrest of the culprits responsible for the attack.

24.   Both sides started shoving and some demonstrators were knocked down, but no one appeared to be seriously injured and there were no immediate arrests reported.

25.   Both sides started shoving and some demonstrators were knocked down, but no one appeared to be seriously injured and there were no immediate arrests.

26.   But despite the immediate arrest and subsequent confession and conviction of Mario Aburto for the murder, many Mexicans still believe he was merely a triggerman and fall guy.

27.   Buddhist protesters held a rally Saturday to demand immediate arrest of the killers of a monk at an orphanage supported by funds from Japan and the Netherlands.

28.   By refusing to accept the summons, Jackson had shown contempt for the court, Vashi said, asking for his immediate arrest.

29.   Desierto said he will charge Estrada on several counts including plunder, a non-bailable offense that could result in his immediate arrest.

30.   Desierto said he would officially charge Estrada later Wednesday on several counts, including plunder, a non-bailable offense that could result in his immediate arrest.

a. + arrest >>共 405
international 12.22%
arbitrary 6.23%
mass 4.87%
recent 4.38%
resisting 4.06%
immediate 3.85%
first 3.64%
further 3.64%
latest 3.40%
new 2.24%
immediate + n. >>共 595
comment 12.38%
report 6.60%
word 4.50%
reaction 4.07%
plan 3.17%
response 3.13%
confirmation 2.33%
future 1.97%
claim 1.63%
effect 1.62%
arrest 0.48%
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