21.   He said his Labour counterparts had earlier ignored similar advice from officers when they approved a development consisting of hundreds of houses on a green field site.

22.   Although some employees had warned management of these problems, top company officials ignored their advice and instead harassed and reprimanded those workers who pointed out the safety problems.

23.   Amid roots and rocks, I found dirt-filled crevices and shoved plants in, ignoring expert advice about digging holes wide and deep, spreading roots.

24.   And Citron, Merrill said, ignored its advice to reduce his borrowing and speculation as interest rates rose.

25.   Another miner who ignored her advice went broke -- and she went to jail, briefly, before charges of witchcraft were dismissed.

26.   Arensen said all three of his clients ignored his advice and had news conferences.

27.   At one point she was referred to a specialist, but she found him coldhearted, ignored his advice and never went back.

28.   At Yankee Stadium, Giuliani brushed off questions about his absence upstate, saying he had ignored the advice of political advisers to do what he loved.

29.   Both were alarmed to see that not only had their advice been ignored but the memorandum misrepresented what they had said.

30.   -- Like many a campaigning politician, Gamini Dissanayaka had a habit of ignoring security advice.

v. + advice >>共 292
offer 14.14%
seek 13.49%
give 12.39%
take 7.71%
follow 6.99%
provide 5.19%
get 4.34%
have 4.23%
ignore 3.58%
heed 3.17%
ignore + n. >>共 1593
warning 4.98%
order 3.33%
call 2.32%
advice 2.11%
fact 1.97%
request 1.89%
plea 1.88%
question 1.78%
demand 1.66%
appeal 1.55%
每页显示:    共 158