21.   The money helped develop a system that allows hospital doctors to receive real-time information on patients and drugs.

22.   Wolford found that to obtain a contract he often needed the approval of hospital doctors who worked with National Medical.

23.   Other hospital doctors, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said surgeons were planning to operate on Suharto on Saturday night or Sunday to stem the bleeding.

24.   Pollution is the suspected cause in the case of another victim still being treated in the wake of the accident, a hospital doctor said.

25.   A hospital doctor said seven people were treated for shock.

26.   A hospital doctor told a nationally televised news conference that doctors detected brain waves.

27.   Although military chief Gen. Wiranto had ordered riot officers to carry only blanks and plastic bullets, hospital doctors said they found metal bullet fragments in some victims.

28.   Although armed forces commander Gen. Wiranto had ordered riot officers to carry only blanks and plastic bullets, hospital doctors said they found metal bullet fragments in some victims.

29.   Although Wiranto had ordered riot officers to carry only blanks and plastic bullets, hospital doctors said they found metal bullet fragments in some of the victims.

30.   Although Wiranto had ordered riot officers to carry only blanks and plastic bullets, hospital doctors said they found metal bullet fragments in the some of the victims.

n. + doctor >>共 368
team 31.22%
spin 4.88%
hospital 4.38%
eye 4.16%
abortion 3.16%
government 2.53%
prison 2.44%
army 2.08%
tournament 1.72%
woman 1.45%
hospital + n. >>共 779
official 15.95%
bed 7.34%
spokeswoman 5.34%
source 3.65%
spokesman 3.44%
stay 3.27%
staff 3.25%
worker 3.12%
room 2.87%
treatment 2.81%
doctor 1.07%
每页显示:    共 97