21.   An Israeli government spokesman promised a severe response and said Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat will be held accountable.

22.   Among those ready to hold Democrats accountable on the issue is Georgia House Minority Whip Earl Ehrhart, a Republican and flag supporter.

23.   Analysts said the banks are dividing their operations into groups so a single manager or team of managers can be held accountable for the performance of a specific business.

24.   And I think all of us ought to be held accountable for the decisions we make in life.

25.   And in more sophisticated hockey towns, Smith and his current Rangers would be held accountable in a much harsher glare.

26.   And everyone, of course, should be held accountable.

27.   And I can believe, too, that everyone is one day held accountable.

28.   And if they select the latter form, should they not be deemed responsible for their foul actions and held accountable for them?

29.   And George Bush was held accountable when he broke his vow about no new taxes.

30.   And it wants states to be held accountable for what happens soon after children are discharged from care.

v. + accountable >>共 6
hold 93.12%
make 5.92%
keep 0.48%
find 0.24%
consider 0.12%
leave 0.12%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
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