21.   Populated areas are being hit.

22.   Roughly a month ago, the Boston area was hit by torrential rain.

23.   Sack is still recovering from the flood in June that hit the area hard.

24.   Scientists have dreamed for decades of firing or dropping long wires into thunderstorms in order to weaken them by draining their electrical charge before they hit populated areas.

25.   Some areas are hit worse than others, Howell said.

26.   Six additional people died in neighboring Kansas when the storms hit the Wichita area.

27.   The area was hit hard in September by Tropical Storm Frances, and courses in some parts of the city have suffered heavy flooding in October and November.

28.   The circular motion suddenly stops when it hits that area.

29.   The coastal storm also hit low-lying areas of New Jersey.

30.   The insects apparently have thrived since the area was hit with rainfall from Hurricane Erin, traders said.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
search 2.80%
cover 2.79%
visit 2.64%
patrol 2.46%
enter 2.42%
flee 2.30%
reach 1.79%
hit 1.70%
clear 1.55%
hit + n. >>共 887
ball 5.35%
two 2.61%
homer 2.42%
target 2.11%
ground 1.75%
three 1.72%
market 1.53%
wall 1.52%
road 1.50%
shot 1.40%
area 0.91%
每页显示:    共 214