21.   The modes of communication are changing and this will have implications for the historical record.

22.   The survival of the historical record has always been subject to natural and man-made forces.

23.   Frequently in the past accident and some occasional planning has preserved historical records.

24.   Clearly the shortcomings of electronic storage, software, and hardware require active intervention if a rich historical record of the late twentieth century is to survive.

25.   All the historical records have gone up in flames.

26.   I have no desire to rake over the past but we should have the right to refer to matters of historical record.

27.   Using historical records computer scientists have reconstructed the building, fifteen hundred years after it was ruined.

28.   While all this is happening the computer compiles an historical record of what goes on -- a valuable data base from which lessons can be learned.

29.   An investigative civil commission heard testimony from witnesses and compiled a voluminous historical record.

30.   And an archaeologist is studying historical records to see if the lot was ever used as a burial ground by Algonquin Indians or settled by early European colonists.

a. + record >>共 677
criminal 7.98%
medical 4.41%
best 3.77%
high 3.14%
public 3.07%
new 2.88%
winning 2.29%
financial 1.78%
voting 1.53%
previous 1.53%
historical 1.46%
historical + n. >>共 1058
record 3.56%
figure 2.66%
site 2.49%
significance 2.20%
perspective 2.09%
event 2.07%
context 2.02%
society 1.81%
datum 1.56%
fact 1.52%
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