21.   Some have hired public relations firms or have flown around the country to schmooze with owners.

22.   That suggests that clients, not hiring firms, make the difference.

23.   The bids will have to be received and evaluated before a firm is hired.

24.   The city hopes to hire a firm by late fall, officials said.

25.   The company said an executive search firm has been hired.

26.   The firm was hired after Tenenbaum did not receive what he considered to be an adequate financial assessment from Doumanian and Safra.

27.   The firm has been hired as the Bush administration appears to have united around the goal of ousting Hussein.

28.   The firm is hired by companies that are firing top and midlevel executives, and sometimes by corporations closing plants with a large number of workers.

29.   The junior creditors hired another firm, and Salovaara pushed through a reorganization plan that left very little on the table for them.

30.   The investigating commission meets for the first time and begins hiring consulting firms to help in the inquiry.

v. + firm >>共 586
stand 10.13%
hold 8.86%
account 6.02%
consult 3.77%
bank 3.18%
leave 3.02%
join 2.20%
buy 1.47%
accuse 1.19%
hire 1.16%
hire + n. >>共 747
worker 9.03%
lawyer 5.99%
people 5.21%
coach 3.58%
teacher 2.93%
employee 2.63%
staff 2.58%
attorney 1.63%
manager 1.56%
consultant 1.54%
firm 0.98%
每页显示:    共 45