21.   Goodies are being given to favored constituents, in such forms as a pork-laden highway bill and cuts in capital gains taxes.

22.   GOP Sen. Dirk Kempthorne adds more money for trails to the national highway bill.

23.   He was at the Rose Garden to talk about the highway bill that passed Congress Friday, but he was clearly prepared for questions on China.

24.   His endorsement bolstered a proposed amendment to the highway spending bill that will be considered by the full Senate Wednesday.

25.   HIGHWAYS -- WASHINGTON -- The Senate is expected to give final approval Thursday to a huge six-year highway spending bill.

26.   HIGHWAYS -- WASHINGTON -- The Senate on Wednesday voted to attach a national blood-alcohol limit to the highway construction bill it is debating.

27.   If Graves manages to get a major highway bill passed this year, you can conclude that the governor can still get it done.

28.   If only the highway bill worked this way ... Zaret COLORADO -- HEFLEY.

29.   ISTEA --The new highway bill was an unusual and unusally political piece of legislation.

30.   It was deja vu all over again when the highway bill rolled onto the House floor a couple days later.

n. + bill >>共 483
tax 7.65%
reform 4.43%
appropriation 4.41%
budget 3.85%
welfare 3.47%
crime 3.32%
farm 2.61%
phone 2.32%
trade 1.96%
dollar 1.93%
highway 0.64%
highway + n. >>共 406
project 5.21%
construction 4.04%
bill 3.51%
system 3.02%
official 2.92%
bridge 2.53%
speed 2.34%
department 2.29%
accident 2.24%
fund 2.00%
每页显示:    共 72