21.   Airlines and the FAA will make greater use of low-altitude routes, to avoid traffic higher up.

22.   But for thicker branches or those higher up, you may want to call a professional.

23.   But the lasting answers must come from higher up.

24.   But the lingering question is whether anyone else higher up in the fund-raising hierarchy knew what was going on.

25.   But the higher up the job, the less likely a woman or a minority holds the position.

26.   Do you have the address of someone higher up?

27.   Finally, when a general higher up the line said he was pleased by the news and congratulated the base commander, Robertson was released.

28.   For any hope of results, we must go higher up the food chain.

29.   For anyone wishing to cut a deal with the government, the coin of the realm is cooperation against those higher up.

30.   From the lower falls, a thin trail to the right leads to other falls higher up.

a. + up >>共 643
giving 4.51%
stepped 4.14%
right 4.08%
given 3.94%
clean 2.78%
high 2.52%
straight 2.49%
holed 2.35%
higher 2.35%
light 2.05%
higher + p. >>共 58
in 27.56%
against 20.57%
on 12.21%
for 8.82%
by 4.38%
after 3.63%
at 3.53%
up 2.32%
as 2.25%
among 1.76%
每页显示:    共 71