21.   A highly publicized malpractice case in Simi Valley, California, has heightened awareness of the way some HMO physicians are paid.

22.   But Philipps said the families instead see the ceremony as a time to heighten public awareness.

23.   But they say they are helping heighten awareness of the new company and its satellite-based technology.

24.   But, she added, the litigation has heightened student awareness of racial preferences, in a negative way.

25.   But, yes, it has heightened my awareness and, yes, it has made me more angry.

26.   Director Mollie Beattie said the designation would heighten awareness of the warbler and ensure that federal agencies take no part in destruction of its habitat.

27.   Each news story about bomb materials being stolen or smuggled heightens our awareness of the potential for terrorism on New Years Eve.

28.   Gilfillan said that the Wedgwood shootings should serve to heighten awareness about mental illness, and suicide.

29.   He said that hairpieces have become more popular because ad campaigns for drugs like Rogaine and Propecia have heightened awareness of male pattern baldness without providing a satisfactory cure.

v. + awareness >>共 133
raise 35.15%
increase 14.26%
create 9.63%
promote 6.27%
heighten 5.63%
have 2.18%
build 2.00%
boost 1.18%
develop 1.00%
enhance 1.00%
heighten + n. >>共 303
tension 15.94%
concern 10.51%
fear 7.56%
risk 4.43%
security 3.78%
awareness 3.66%
sense 2.77%
expectation 2.01%
interest 1.95%
speculation 1.71%
每页显示:    共 62