21.   But the Republicans say the Constitution requires a head count.

22.   But their preliminary head counts showed that a few dozen Republicans were unwilling to rule out support for the Democrats.

23.   Conducting actual household head counts is even harder.

24.   Critics of the traditional door-to-door head count say it misses many minority Americans.

25.   Daley said past surveys that relied solely on head counts yielded inaccurate results to the misfortune of all Americans.

26.   Daschle said Durbin and Collins have received broad bipartisan support for the amendment, although the Senate minority leader said he was unaware of any head count.

27.   Earlier this year, the administration decided to use the raw head count for the purposes of redrawing Congressional districts.

28.   Early Senate head counts by both sides reportedly show the measure losing on a yea-nay vote.

29.   For one thing, mandatory hourly head counts apparently were not made, the sheriff said.

30.   Getting conflicting head counts from competing factions, Lt. Gov. Bill Ratliff polled a deadlocked Senate Thursday, then refused to bring up redistricting for debate.

n. + count >>共 479
vote 16.61%
hand 8.76%
felony 6.89%
head 5.40%
misdemeanor 3.98%
sperm 3.87%
pitch 3.79%
casualty 3.06%
death 2.41%
medal 2.14%
head + n. >>共 558
coach 46.86%
injury 15.84%
office 4.09%
scarf 3.41%
job 2.07%
wound 1.91%
count 1.81%
butt 1.05%
trauma 0.95%
teacher 0.67%
每页显示:    共 140