21.   Having said his piece, Lott yields to Daschle, who begins calmly, smiling.

22.   Having said no in a position of strength, Karadzic can hardly say yes today and survive.

23.   Having said that, Alloy understands what teens are into and gives them a hip place to discuss it.

24.   Having said that, Barksdale concedes there are dangers in buying beaten-down stocks.

25.   Having said that, grown folk will get quite a few chuckles from Cobra Bubbles, a no-nonsense social worker assigned to make sure Lilo is being well-raised.

26.   Having said that, though, the problems all seem correctable.

27.   Having said that, while reflecting upon Sonic playoff history, it occurs that preposterousness has often been a Sonic postseason partner.

28.   Having the EPA say the PT Cruiser is a car means Chrysler will have to make some changes for tailpipe emissions standards.

29.   Having said that, Betty and I are taking the necessary steps to determine and satisfy our obligation to pay Social Security taxes and penalties.

30.   Having said that, Faber said he thought Li was wise to use his stock to bid for a company with genuine assets.

v. + say >>共 585
keating 5.94%
tar 3.35%
man 2.92%
scharping 2.22%
be 2.17%
have 2.12%
bank 2.08%
mull 1.98%
lave 1.79%
dowling 1.75%
have + v. >>共 703
be 17.32%
seem 3.06%
do 3.01%
make 2.84%
say 1.99%
appear 1.99%
become 1.95%
lose 1.64%
have 1.42%
help 1.15%
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