21.   But not if arch-conservative Pat Buchanan has anything to say about it, which he probably will, though to no lasting effect.

22.   But one loyal Gore donor balked, saying he had qualms about a scorched-earth legal strategy that could leave Gore weakened even if he ultimately prevailed.

23.   Chrebet approached Johnson, edging close to the lanky receiver, saying that if Johnson had something to say, he should say it to his face.

24.   Critics argue that if these children have a general brain timing problem, Tallal said, they should be walking into walls.

25.   Fellows has three Busch Grand National victories on road courses and Said has a Craftsman Truck Series win.

26.   GORE HAS DOW HISTORY ON HIS SIDE If the Dow Jones industrial average has anything to say about it, Al Gore is headed for the White House.

27.   He argued that if MacDonald had anything to say, he should have addressed it to Knight in the postgame news conference.

28.   Hayes defended the strategy, saying Western Resources has little choice but to expand as competitors prepare to enter its core gas and electricity markets.

29.   Hardly any of these services are available, but they will be in the near future if Novell has anything to say about it.

30.   He has the ability to charm you, but also to make players listen to him when he has something to say.

v. + say >>共 880
be 14.52%
call 4.02%
have 3.05%
suffice 2.02%
do 1.78%
police 1.74%
make 1.67%
come 1.50%
need 1.45%
happen 1.26%
have + v. >>共 557
say 7.39%
have 7.16%
do 4.33%
come 4.33%
unite 2.37%
be 2.19%
make 2.02%
go 1.50%
get 1.50%
run 1.21%
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