21.   Furthermore, Ms. Guzman likes having another owner in the building with whom to share expenses.

22.   He has an owner, Michael Heisley, apparently committed to building the Grizzlies into winners.

23.   He has owners who do support him.

24.   He understands the Red Sox soon will have new owners, a new CEO, maybe a new general manager.

25.   However, Schieffer said the court ruling could hinder talks if the union now believes that it has the owners on the run.

26.   I feel very fortunate that I have an owner in Jerry Jones who is committed to winning.

27.   I also know it is better to have an owner who would actually go to games if confronted with an alternative.

28.   I am fortunate that I have an owner who takes into consideration my opinions.

29.   In carrying out their tasks, the two executives have not had their owners telling them what to do or trying to do their jobs for them.

30.   Investors may also want to know that Muzak has had numerous owners over the years, including Warner Brothers, Teleprompter Corp. and Field.

v. + owner >>共 585
say 3.55%
have 3.55%
find 2.12%
identify 2.03%
include 1.98%
notify 1.94%
compensate 1.89%
contact 1.71%
kill 1.61%
accuse 1.57%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
owner 0.02%
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