21.   Such financing plans could have maturities of as little as six months.

22.   That was aimed at Liberty and Prebon, whose products had maturities of as much as seven years.

23.   Tesobonos have maturities between three months and one year.

24.   The best-performing bond funds had long maturities, including the American Century-Benham Target Maturity funds, several Vanguard long-term funds and T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury Long-Term.

25.   The Bulls had maturity, something the Lakers have yet to be accused of.

26.   The company said the loan will have a maturity of five years to seven years and will be used to restructure short-term debts at lower interest rates.

27.   The debt should have a maturity of eight years with call and put options at three years, Brigagao said.

28.   The Gingrich bonds have no maturity, the Dole bonds bear no interest, and the Clinton bonds have no principle.

29.   The government had been rolling over the debt, which has a maturity of three months.

30.   The first, the Newt Gingrich bond, has no maturity.

v. + maturity >>共 75
reach 24.43%
have 16.09%
show 8.62%
extend 6.61%
gain 2.87%
lack 2.59%
display 2.30%
buy 2.30%
reflect 2.01%
lengthen 1.72%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
maturity 0.02%
每页显示:    共 56