21.   Fear of Albanian nationalist aspirations has apparently played a part in the harsh treatment of Kosovar refugees in neighboring Macedonia.

22.   Frightened, reluctant, Brande went back to the harsh treatments.

23.   Giuliani, in particular, should realize that any candidate would have to think twice about coming here in light of his often harsh treatment of Cortines.

24.   Given the harsh treatment of addicts in the United States, such photos obviously did nothing for them.

25.   He also asked Cuba to allow the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit its prisons, where detained dissidents are known to receive harsh treatment.

26.   Harsh treatment of black players exists all over Europe.

27.   He never expressed the slightest bitterness over the harsh treatment life handed him.

28.   Human rights groups have documented frequent abuses of rights in the country, including harsh treatment of dissidents and suppression of democracy in Burma, also known as Myanmar.

29.   In apartheid South Africa, at times when political prisoners were subjected to harsh treatment, they were still allowed to earn university degrees by correspondence.

30.   Military basic training and Marine training in particular have evolved from the harsh treatment in which recruits were beaten and deprived of sufficient sleep or water, Wiley said.

a. + treatment >>共 634
medical 15.67%
special 4.36%
new 3.57%
preferential 3.57%
better 1.98%
effective 1.79%
equal 1.66%
same 1.50%
psychiatric 1.44%
emergency 1.32%
harsh 0.78%
harsh + n. >>共 607
word 8.36%
criticism 7.28%
winter 5.28%
condition 4.25%
reality 3.64%
weather 2.86%
punishment 2.59%
treatment 2.22%
rhetoric 2.10%
penalty 2.00%
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