21.   No one in Red Hook or in city government harbors illusions about vast subsidies or instant transformations.

22.   Not that Rodgers harbors any illusions of hanging with the Kenyans.

23.   Reed said teens may request a foster home, harboring the illusion that these are readily available.

24.   State officials harbored no illusions that their efforts could erase the memories of that Friday morning.

25.   Still, Van Slambrouck harbors no illusions about the depth of his challenge.

26.   The Flys are grooving to rock right now, but harbor no illusions.

27.   The officials say they harbor no illusion that the forces that have pulled the United States toward a more prominent role in Bosnia can be kept dormant much longer.

28.   They harbor no illusions about the incoming sovereign and they fully expect some liberties to be curtailed.

29.   We would be delighted to see Arafat live up to his newly restated commitments, but we harbor few illusions.

30.   While the Indians have talked offense, the Pakistanis, harboring few illusions about their chances against their more powerful enemy, plotted defense.

v. + illusion >>共 107
have 36.64%
create 23.16%
give 6.50%
harbor 4.66%
shatter 2.45%
maintain 2.33%
hold 1.59%
offer 0.98%
lose 0.98%
provide 0.98%
harbor + n. >>共 303
terrorist 8.86%
rebel 5.75%
ambition 3.96%
hope 3.57%
doubt 3.34%
illusion 2.95%
resentment 2.87%
militant 2.33%
dream 2.25%
feeling 2.18%
每页显示:    共 38