21.   Cogema recycles not only French spent fuel but that of other countries, and at a handsome profit.

22.   Companies are enjoying handsome profits and the breathing room, for the first time in years, to pursue new projects aggressively.

23.   Dealers started buying new works from hot artists sight-unseen, knowing they could resell them at a handsome profit to eager collectors.

24.   Even now, he said, he still enjoys a handsome profit.

25.   Even shows that never return a profit to their investors often generate handsome profits to the Shubert Organization through theater rents and other fees.

26.   He has been known to buy in one aisle and sell the purchase an aisle or two over at a handsome profit.

27.   He previously led Republic Airlines, Flying Tigers and United Airlines - all of which were sold under his reign, earning handsome profits for himself and shareholders.

28.   He created the Higgins Oil and Fuel Co., sold it for a handsome profit and promptly launched the Higgins Standard Oil Co.

29.   He said Keating, a major source of loans for the company, promised that Cole would be out of the deal quickly with a handsome profit.

30.   Head starts often bfring handsome profits.

a. + profit >>共 441
corporate 22.13%
higher 4.75%
operating 3.97%
net 3.47%
lower 2.68%
record 2.58%
huge 2.38%
strong 2.36%
big 1.82%
future 1.58%
handsome 0.61%
handsome + n. >>共 520
man 9.03%
profit 5.47%
face 2.78%
prince 1.82%
woman 1.65%
dividend 1.48%
return 1.48%
building 1.30%
guy 1.22%
couple 1.04%
每页显示:    共 63