21.   Airport officials said the gunmen opened fire while the aircraft was on the ground and then, without waiting for refueling, ordered the pilot to take off.

22.   But the gunman opened fire in the cramped, narrow dining room.

23.   Carlon said that he had been in the auditorium when the gunmen opened fire.

24.   Dressed as an Israeli soldier, a Palestinian gunman opened fire on passersby, killing three Israelis and wounding several more before he was shot dead.

25.   Earlier in the day, an Israeli motorist was shot and wounded when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on his car in the West Bank.

26.   Earlier Thursday, a gunman opened fire at another checkpoint, killing one Israeli soldier and wounding another.

27.   Earlier Thursday, a gunman opened fire near another checkpoint, killing one Israeli soldier and wounding another.

28.   Even hardened New Yorkers were devastated when a gunman opened fire during rush hour on the The Long Island Railroad some time ago, randomly killing several people.

29.   Four or five Palestinian gunmen opened fire and killed them all.

30.   Four times in five months, gunmen opened fire in public places, killing and maiming unsuspecting people and spreading terror across the country.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
door 3.71%
police 3.26%
soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
government 1.41%
company 1.35%
gunman + v. >>共 486
open 11.22%
shoot 10.51%
fire 7.53%
kill 7.07%
be 5.24%
attack 3.24%
flee 3.23%
escape 2.24%
ambush 2.00%
take 1.45%
每页显示:    共 671