21.   Gen. John Shalikashvili, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is taking a publicly unprecedented tough line against growing criticism of his first two years in office.

22.   However, with growing criticism about the length of football and baseball games, perhaps it will inspire ways to reduce the length of television timeouts.

23.   In Texas, the escape has brought growing criticism and controversy.

24.   In Texas, which has the largest prison population of any state, the escape has brought growing criticism.

25.   It is also a response to growing criticism of the embargo here and abroad, the officials said.

26.   On Monday he addressed the growing criticism at a meeting of his rightist Likud Party.

27.   Recent mergers in the banking industry have led to growing criticism that bigger banks are charging higher fees for checking and other services that hurt lower and middle-income customers.

28.   Seoul has received growing criticism for failing to win a similar promise of repatriation from Pyongyang.

29.   Starr has faced growing criticism for his high profile role on behalf of corporate clients that are odds with the Clinton administration, including tobacco companies.

30.   The administration maintained this posture in the face of growing criticism from European and Arab allies.

a. + criticism >>共 663
international 6.83%
sharp 6.41%
public 4.82%
harsh 4.74%
strong 4.30%
widespread 3.91%
heavy 3.29%
growing 2.40%
intense 2.20%
mounting 2.18%
growing + n. >>共 1046
number 13.02%
concern 3.32%
demand 2.65%
pressure 1.77%
problem 1.59%
season 1.57%
market 1.53%
economy 1.41%
popularity 1.21%
list 1.20%
criticism 0.76%
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